The End

It’s all over. They destroyed the planet and there’s no going back. What we are seeing with all the flooding in places it hasn’t flooded before is climate change happening at a snowball rate now. When you can see the effects, it is too late.

This government knows we have a very limited amount of time left. The scientists have already told them and they are hiding it from us. The Fukushima nuclear plant is a ticking time bomb. Research it so you can see for yourself. Research Near Term Human Extinction and you will see.

Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take the governments. Look at the leaked CIA files and do your own research. You will come to the same conclusion I did. It’s all over and everything that is going on in the world is pointless! All their printed paper money won’t save anyone.

A few years back, the richest of the rich sold off much of their stocks. I knew then that they knew something we didn’t and that it would be years before we saw why. Now I understand. There’s no telling what their plans are for themselves! Believe me, they have known for awhile too!

You have to wonder what the point is of what they are doing now, knowing what they know… Is it that they don’t want people to survive this? If they don’t know what is coming then they won’t be prepared. They won’t survive. They won’t even have a chance. Is that the point?!

I’m not gonna put all my eggs in one basket by giving up on our plan to get the heck outta dodge. I just have to adjust it to take the new information into consideration when planning. Instead of building up, we will probably dig down. That’s what this government did!

My message to the world is to get ready for what’s coming. It will be so much worse than we think. Hold your people close and cherish your time with them.

The scientists models can’t even keep up with the rate that climate change is happening at! One scientist, Guy McPherson, is even predicting that there won’t be complex life on Earth anymore by 2030. I truly hope he is wrong…

The PAIN & ANGER of Our People

I just had to write today. I have been angry and upset over all things European lately. It’s a whole lot to take in when you are looking at the world with open eyes for the first time. It can be painful and it can certainly piss you off!..

Our people are enslaved while the Europeans continue to steal the wealth of our lands! All I see in the media is Europeans trying to convince our people that they are “Hispanic” and “Latino” in order to keep them ignorant of this fact. Talking about deporting people who had no borders before European invasion! People who actually belong here and aren’t just illegal occupiers.

I have been noticing that anytime I try to find a diverse show to watch for the sake of my child, there are none. It is either an almost all-white cast or an all-black cast. That shows separation of people by color and why would we ever want to show that?! That is the European agenda.

Our people are smart enough to know we are stronger standing with our black brothers and sisters. We have always been there for each other through all the horrors Europeans forced on us. We have shared and continue to share our pain and anger. We are the survivors of those horrors…

All it takes to understand the pain and anger of our people is to put yourself in our position. It takes being human. To know that they purposely destroyed most of the evidence that we were a much more civilized people than the Europeans at any given time, that crime in itself is unforgivable. It is irreversible!

People complained of apartheid in Africa, but where is the rage for apartheid in America that continues today??? Do we not matter? Are we unimportant to the world? Well then, don’t say you didn’t have it coming. When you give a people the choices of enslavement or death, you will always screw yourself over. The only option we see is liberation!

There are Europeans who want to help do the right thing, not help continue the Europeans evil reign. They see that this government has stolen all it has,which means they have no morals! They kill for fun. They teach their children to be just like them, which means the cycle will continue until we do something about it! Don’t expect the thieves to!

Taking back our lands means the freedom and liberation of our people and a safe haven for others who are enslaved around the world by Europeans! Our people didn’t have starving people and homelessness! That is the European way!

They know no other way, which makes it our responsibility to show them the right way. We have surpassed them with our ability to be human and we must become the leaders the world so desperately needs!

We lived on these lands for so long and had mastered living with nature in this environment. When the Europeans came along, they saw our ways as wrong so they destroyed all that they could. Now what do we see? A bunch of idiots living in known flood areas because they didn’t have enough sense to know that the people of these lands might have known a thing or two about the land! Smdh

The extent of these people’s foolishness knows no end! Their greed will end up destroying the world. It is insatiable. They want the resources of our lands but we could care less about the money! We just want them gone! Look at how much they have destroyed in just 500 years! They lack a connection with the earth and that is a major violation of natural law!..

Our mother earth is being killed by these animals! How much longer can we allow this??? How much longer before she destroys us for all the crimes committed against her?! It is foolishness to think you can beat her! It is foolishness to even want to!.. Our mother who breathes life into us every second of everyday.

What Would It Take to Get YOU to Just STOP?

I want us to be completely honest about something today. I want you to ask yourself, “How do I contribute to the injustices of the world?” Let’s start with the most obvious answer. My tax money. Any money this government gets from us is linked to many atrocities around the world! In other words, we are directly funding terrorism. European terrorism.

Now I want to ask you how you feel about that? Are you just fine with it? Do you believe there is no other way?! Lol! There is. We could all just STOP! We have only been told there is no other way, no better way. Well, if you believe that then I got some ocean front property in Arizona for you! Lol!

I don’t know about you but I know of a million ways that this could be a better place! The biggest issue is us wanting stuff from other places when these lands already give us all we need. Our people were here for ages without ever needing a thing from the outside world! It was the outside world that wanted to take all we had… Smh

It’s time for us to go back to basics. I want to know what you would need to just stop? To walk away from your current state of enslavement. Food and water are obvious. Healthcare could be provided for free by doctors in the neighborhood. If you think about it, it would be just like The Walking Dead.

Those people had to start over and at first it was hard, but then people came together to start communities. We can skip all the trouble if we start the systems we would need now. It shouldn’t be just jumping into it once the time comes. People are going to need food to eat because this government will try to enslave us again with food and water and their laws. We should have our own already ready.

Ignore the killing each other part of it because it should be all about inclusion. They were killing each other just because they wanted what those people had. Why would you need to kill for something that is freely given?

No one starving and everyone in homes. NO homelessness unless that is the persons preference. There will always be food though should they want it. Natural food forests where a person could survive just off the plants and trees. Aquaponics and greenhouses everywhere for year-round growing.

I’m talking about the world as it was meant to be before man started enslaving one another. I’m talking about the Garden of Eden. I’m talking about the majority of us having enough sense to do the right thing. To not fuck it up this time! No one hoarding. Everyone living sustainably.

Our bodies, our labor, and then our tax money gets used in the most fucked up ways. That’s just a fact. Why aren’t we using those things to walk away instead? Do you believe if you used those things to do for yourself and your family, instead of for a corporation, that life would be more fulfilling? I do.

This isn’t some fantasy. This is all possible. We have the technology to do it. Many have already done it! There are intentional communities all over the Americas. My only issue is that they need your money too, but it’s only because there are too few bodies to do all that needs to be done.

What can you do now til it’s time to stop? Use your body, your labor, and your funds to learn something that will be really useful when it all stops. This government has clearly gone rogue and is just doing anything it feels like. Mostly taking our rights to maintain their control. WE are the ones responsible for putting a stop to that! No one else is going to.

Planet of the APES!

I swear, we are living on the planet of the apes and America is their capitol! Smdh. European apes! The ones who aren’t full blooded homo sapiens. The ones who are mixed with cavemen and walk around in suits calling people of color animals, knowing damn well that the only apes around here are them!

How much longer are we gonna let a lesser species destroy our planet?! When will the humans take the planet back??? I’m so sick and tired of hearing what these white terrorists are doing! I’m so sick and tired of their motherfucking cheeto looking leader and his APE mouth!

All throughout history, what do we see??? We see these animals destroying humans and their lands! These people will always be our enemies and that is the problem. We are the enemy cause we are superior in every way. They just want us to think we aren’t but it has already been proven time and time again.

Our people, homo sapiens, took this planet over from the beasts! That includes these cavemen motherfuckers! Apes! How much longer do we let the apes kill humans for fun??? When, exactly, will we stand up for our own?! We eliminated these fuckers and the only way they held on was by mixing with homo sapiens, creating a lesser than species!

Now look what we have! European apes who thirst for our blood. & why? Because we have eliminated them before! When they tell their people to only be with whites, all they have done is make an even more animalistic beast! They are ensuring that they have more caveman in them than anything else.

We cannot allow this to continue. These apes have destroyed paradise all over the world and they must be stopped! Their reign of destruction must end! It is the only way to save this planet and ourselves, the homo sapiens.

They should never be allowed to rule over anybody, not even their own! When do you see the apes in the zoo also running the zoo??? That shit don’t happen & this should not be an exception! We have all seen and are seeing what happens when these animals have full reign! Fuck them and their cavemen offspring! They need to be eliminated!

All those detention centers they built for our people, the superior ones, should be used to house all of them. They should never be trusted! It is in their animal blood to hate us and want us gone. Our downfall has always been trusting these apes, thinking one isn’t like the rest. Unfortunately, that will not work this time around. We need to wake up to our natural enemies, the planet full of the apes who are currently in charge!


I was fortunate enough to be able to walk away from this poisonous society over 4 years ago. At the time, I wasn’t even aware that I had been enslaved. It wasn’t until I had the time to sit and think, think of things other than bills and dreading work! What t.v. show I was gonna watch or what I was going to wear the next day. All these things that you never realize take up all your time & thoughts.

I say they take up all our time but really it is working that takes up most of our time. Most of us work for corporations that are exploiting our labor. We, the workers, have to fight for the crumbs while the shareholders get the whole pie! We have to bend over backwards for them but they don’t budge for us in the least. It’s all, “More production, longer hours!”

Even when I was working, it would be rare for them to get more than 40 hours out of me! They always knew to walk past me when looking for volunteers to work overtime. During those 40 hours, I worked hard for them. No one could ever talk bad about my work ethic because I usually had the highest production. Anything over that though… Uh uh. I wasn’t having it.

I even had a supervisor ask me once, “What? Are you so rich you don’t need money?” I laughed. I said, “This job is for extra money and I only need about an extra hundred or 2 per month. I can do without the rest.”

You see, that’s the thing. When you don’t go anywhere or do anything by preference, you notice many things about others. People just don’t know how to keep their asses at home! They are a bunch of busy bodies that love to go out and spend their hard earned money giving it right back to the people they got it from to begin with! How does that make any sense?!

So essentially you are just giving them free labor? Oh, your room and board are paid for but that’s about it! Same as if you were a slave on a plantation and massah was taking care of you. Oh, but you’re a special slave right? You get to pick your own food as long as you’re paying for it right? You get better living quarters than some other slaves right? You get to drive a fancy car to the fields right? Lol! You’re still a slave.

That house and car and anything else shiny they waved in front of you to distract you of the fact that every penny you pay for everything is just going right back to them is all part of the scam. Television and movies just keep your mind occupied when you aren’t doing anything so that you never get a chance to stop and think about what you are doing. If you knew, you might just stop!..

Yeah, it’s that easy. Many people have done it, are doing it, and will continue to do it in the future. Intentional communities are everywhere! People are coming together to say, “Fuck no! Do it yourself, you lazy bastards! You’re done exploiting my labor!”

They want everyone to believe that the problems of the world are caused by the poor. If you think like that, you’re a fucking idiot!.. Governments, the rich, and the elite are the biggest parasites we will ever come across. Their greed is and always has been the cause of most problems in the world!

We have the power to change all that but too many are still asleep. Still in that slave mentality, trapped by all the shiny distractions. I swear, it’s just crazy how they pulled it off for so long! Lol! I guess when you force people to spend their time fighting for their basic rights, it doesn’t leave them any time to think about what freedom really is. They are just fighting to become one of the enslaved and don’t even realize it.

They claim there was a civil rights movement but the way I see it, our brown and black brothers and sisters have been paying ever since for even having the audacity to think they were equal. Look at the incarceration rate for minorities and tell me I’m lying! Smh. We are the largest source of profits for them. Free slave labor in a whole other way.

Whose neighborhoods do they police the most while terrorizing the so-called citizens? The minority and poor. They have quotas in our neighborhoods but are told to leave the rich people and/or predominantly white neighborhoods alone! This has already been proven!

Law enforcement is just the enforcement of the parasites on us. Even dumbass  white supremacists do their dirty work for them while still being looked at as less than! Same as back in the slave days. You had to have those one slaves who you make feel like they are better than the other ones so they would enforce massah’s rule over their own people. All while being shit on in their own special way but too dumb to realize it!

They have their hands in everything. We are required to pay them for every little thing we might want to do. You want to drive on our roads? Pay us. You want to build your home on your own land with your own means? Pay us. You want to work? Pay us.

They specialize in this which is why healthcare became something mandatory, taking away more of your money by law! They figure out ways to systematically keep us down. The only way to be free of that parasite is to stop giving them what keeps them going. Money. All of our money, all of our business!

Stop signing up to be one of the dumbass slaves that think they are “special”. Wake up, idiot! We ain’t got time to be trying to explain why you’re dumb for enforcing their rule! Look around us! Look at what they are doing! What kinds of idiots would help them continue their oppression?! Smdh

The Antichrist

I read Friedrich Nietzsche’s book, The Antichrist, recently. I had never even heard about it, but had heard his name before. I wanted to check out his writing and see what he had to say.

Well I can tell you, I was not ready for all I took in at once! The thoughts on Christianity and how it was a well calculated ploy at getting the world to accept Judaism without ever being wise to it! My brain was reeling from all the examples he gave! This is not the first time I have heard about the “evil Jews”.

I have a cousin who told me that our people were one of the ten lost tribes. Research proves we were here way before that but I have yet to talk to her and let her know that bit of information… Lol!

Anyways, she starts telling me how the real Jews are black and the Jewish are the people who stole their religion. That they stole it because they wanted to be the “chosen ones”. That black people are the ones who have always been persecuted, have always come last. Like it says in the bible, the ones who have always been last will end up being first.

Well, originally that got me thinking and researching. That’s how I found out it was impossible because we were already here while all that was going on. Technically, our lands should be considered “the old world” because we were much more advanced than the other side of the world at any given time. Our way of life was not primitive, but a way of life that existed with nature. Not trying to conquer it… That would be the primitive way!.. Smdh

You see, that’s one of the things that Nietzsche touched on too. How barbarians were the ones who used religion to get their followers to obey. That it has always been forced on people throughout history by the worst of the worst. How priests are the ultimate parasite that have figured out how to make themselves indispensable by people needing them at all major life events. Birth, death, marriage, baptisms. All on everyone else’s dime. Always needing you to “dig a little deeper for the church”.

That was one of the main reasons I stopped going to church. No matter how many different churches I went to, they were all the same. They want your money. Gotta keep the lights on, right?! For those couple hours you’re there for each Sunday!..

I’m sorry but the way I see it, you could throw up a tent and have church outside for free if the “word of God” was all you were wanting to get out there! Why not use all that wasted money for rented space on helping feed the poor??? Scholarships for kids who are underprivileged! Like the saying goes, you get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar!

I’ve said it before and I will say it again. If it has to do with money it can’t be any good! This is a contradiction I find in the bible because Jesus felt how I feel about it. Yet it tells you to give money to the church! As if! That’s what Nietzsche talks about too. How the Jews were the ones who translated the bible into Hebrew from Aramaic so they added in what they wanted to it! They set it up so they would get paid!

He said that Jews didn’t master plan it this way, but with what they have done, there is no other way for it to go. That they don’t purposely mean to take over everything, but it’s just their survival instinct from being persecuted again and again all throughout history. They know how to survive and they know what is of value in the world. They accumulate these things to try to keep their people going, but the things are so valuable that they then become the ones on top. It happens every time.

Well Nietzsche died in 1900. I went to research why people say the holocaust didn’t really happen so I could find out if his writings had any effect on what happened in Germany. I did not expect to find out what I did. I want to share a video with you that I originally watched before I started researching the claims this man was making. Please ignore the burning in hell at the end. Luckily his ass saved that shit for the end!.. Smdh

Now, I want to look at this objectively. As I’m sure you’re aware, history is written by the victors. We know this because look what is taught in school about Native Americans! Smh. What I get from the video is that there was an agreement between Zionists and Hitler that was signed in 1933. The Haavara Agreement. This agreement shows that Zionists wanted the Jews back in Palestine and Hitler wanted them gone! Their own people did it to them! Smh

Are you telling me that the agreement between them had nothing to do with what happened shortly after?! Yeah, right! The story this guy is spouting is that the agreement was for them to be deported but they were put into “forced labor camps” supposedly so they could get accustomed to life in Palestine. That it was going to be a culture shock for them.

I read that at the time of the agreement the Jews had been boycotting German made products and that it was hurting the German economy. The Germans wanted them gone. Well, let me just say, this sounds an awful like what is going on in America right now. Our numbers are so strong that we can sway the economy in our favor, same as the Jews back then.

People are being deported but left in deportation centers for years while they get forced free labor out of them! Then this guy says that Arizona has twice as many ovens as Auschwitz yet no one is questioning that! Arizona is where they were putting immigrants in the desert in tents that got over 120℉! Are you telling me they are killing people in the same way Hitler did?! Putting them in inhumane conditions and just waiting for them to die?! I will be researching into that some more.

Like I’ve said and like Nietzsche pointed out, what do you expect when the barbarians are the ones running things? He talked about Buddhism and how Europeans are too barbaric for such a thing. It is too peaceful for them!.. In the book 1493 I read how the Chinese saw Europeans as too backwards and uneducated to ever want anything from them.

I agree. Just look at what is going on in America. Everyone should know that this is what you get when foreigners are allowed to run a country that isn’t theirs! They are draining all the resources and who is going to profit? Oh, yeah. Europe! That’s right. How about that?! It’s why BP (BRITISH Petroleum) is able to drill in our waters and contaminate them.

All Chump was put there for was to show the world that America is a joke and their own people don’t run shit. Europe is running shit and has taken back their country. This is why no European should hold office in this country. They have no loyalty to these lands! Look what they did to their own country after coming here and seeing all they could keep for themselves! Greed! That is all they know.

They have made it to where your hard work does not pay off. The less you work, the more you make in this world! That’s just crazy to me! That is backwards! The hardest working people get paid the least! That is the European way. They always figure out ways to be the laziest while trying to say it is the others not working hard enough! I don’t know about you but I am tired of European oppression! The world is tired of their oppression!

The European borders they impose on us keeps our people separated so that we could never come together. Thank goodness for technology because now their borders don’t matter. We know we are one and we are finding each other regardless! You can’t stop progress! 🙂


American Nazi Party

I was watching ID the other day and came across something our people should be aware of. It was on the show, I Almost Got Away With It. It was about a boy who joined the American Nazi Party. This is the first time I have heard about this group.

The reason I want our people aware of this group is because of something this guy said about the group. He had killed a boy and sliced a woman’s face up, which is why he was in prison. The thing he said that stuck with me was, “We are coming for our piece of the pie.” That they are training people all over the country and the way they see if the person is committed is usually by having them do harm to our brown and black brothers and sisters.

Our people need to be training in this same way because we know better. We know that if this land belongs to anyone, which it doesn’t, but if it did it would be my indigenous brothers and sisters! NOT some fucked up Europeans who don’t even care about their own people! This has always been our people’s issue with these people. They don’t treat anyone right, not even “their own”.

Hell, our people have always been accepting because we are smart enough to know that we all come from this Earth! We are all the same, regardless of the amount of sun we got! Our ways have been about peace, but if they are gonna bring the fight to us…

We have had to deal with their destructive ways for far too long. NO European should hold any office in this country. How can we expect the same kind of people who betrayed their own country to do right by one they have absolutely no attachments to besides the ones they make up in their heads?! This is on US to do right by the lands we love!

We saw what happened when we tried protecting our water! Only some Europeans would say, “Oh well” about having clean water! We know better! This is what happens when we have Europeans running a country that they have NO ties to. We need to fix this and if we think about it, it would be easy.

It has already been done by our people in Mexico. The Zapatistas are who the Europeans would have called the Mayan’s. They have created a parallel government that has taken over any roles their usual government would have handled. They do it themselves. Everyone participates so that there is no abuse of authority. They do it by sectors and every vote counts!

It ain’t no dumbass European system that makes everyone’s vote useless! I swear, I honestly don’t know what kind of idiots would come up with some shit like that, but what is even more disturbing is that it has went on this long with no outrage over it! Until recently, of course. Which is far too late! Smdh

Our people need to be aware that these people are bringing a fight to us. We need to be trained and prepared. These are our homelands and it will be up to us to protect em. We can’t and shouldn’t count on these Europeans to help. They are the cause. Like that one Ndn said, “You gotta stop crying on the shoulder of the people who stole your land.” So true!..

I encourage all our people to check this link out and learn all you can about how they do it and how they did it. Educate yourselves and let’s start implementing it within our communities. Even if it is the youth, get them prepared for their future positions. Better late than never!


“All Eyez On Me”

In my world, there are no coincidences. So, naturally, when I found out I was watching Tupac’s movie on the day he died, it felt right. R.I.P. my beautiful black brother. Your words have inspired so many and sparked so many minds to start thinking. As intended. 🙂

I know he did that for me! This movie sparked my interest in his lyrics again because they mean much more now that I’m an adult and can better understand them. It’s not just liking the beat and knowing the words anymore! Activism is calling me so loud but I know how it works around here. I know what happens when you try to fight their evil. We all do.

Seeing so much injustice going on all over the world and the cause of it all being plain as day to anyone willing to see, it kills me that evil is winning the fight. For the moment. Or at least, that’s what they want us to think. We all know it’s their last stand.

We cannot get to love through means of hate. It just doesn’t work that way. No matter how much anger I have, I know better! I know that becoming like them is not the way. I want to kick and scream and yell until the world wakes up from its deep slumber of ignorance! Whatever the hell needs to be done! Unfortunately, I know better!.. Lol!

We are missing love, not more hate. Our world is sick and the only cure is loving one another. That’s all it ever has been. It’s all it ever will be. So simple, but obviously not so easy.

What I try to remember is something I read in Autobiography of a Yogi about how people in India treat their guests. He said they treat them as if they are entertaining God. I try to look at people like that all the time and remind myself that when they are being ugly, it isn’t really them. That’s not what they were meant to be, but life scarred them so much that they forgot their true purpose here. It certainly isn’t to make life hard for others. I guarantee you that. Life is hard enough all on its own.

I confess that my feelings are all over the place, but in the end, I know right from wrong. I know that you should treat people how you want to be treated, regardless of their actions. That you can’t let another person’s bad behavior affect you on your true path. Only one person should have to pay for a hateful person’s bad karma and it should be the person dishing it out. Don’t accumulate your own just because of them. It isn’t worth it.

Find peace through the mind. It was always my safe haven as a child. Hell, it still is! Lol! I know the power of meditation but have not kept at it… That will change. We need spiritual warriors more than anything else!

What’s funny is that there are so many people at the top that know how powerful the mind is. That’s why they are using media to keep your mind preoccupied with mindless thoughts. Media is used to affect our emotions in a negative way so that even if we did think about anything, it would probably be the hate of others differences.

This government and media are in cahoots against the people. They want us fighting and killing each other. At the same time, they are gonna use that as the excuse of why the police are running around killing innocent citizens! Then it will be, “The police are out of control so we need a militarized police force instead. People who know what they are doing.” & like it has been predicted, we will probably be the ones asking for it to happen. That’s how they work.