The End

It’s all over. They destroyed the planet and there’s no going back. What we are seeing with all the flooding in places it hasn’t flooded before is climate change happening at a snowball rate now. When you can see the effects, it is too late.

This government knows we have a very limited amount of time left. The scientists have already told them and they are hiding it from us. The Fukushima nuclear plant is a ticking time bomb. Research it so you can see for yourself. Research Near Term Human Extinction and you will see.

Don’t take my word for it. Don’t take the governments. Look at the leaked CIA files and do your own research. You will come to the same conclusion I did. It’s all over and everything that is going on in the world is pointless! All their printed paper money won’t save anyone.

A few years back, the richest of the rich sold off much of their stocks. I knew then that they knew something we didn’t and that it would be years before we saw why. Now I understand. There’s no telling what their plans are for themselves! Believe me, they have known for awhile too!

You have to wonder what the point is of what they are doing now, knowing what they know… Is it that they don’t want people to survive this? If they don’t know what is coming then they won’t be prepared. They won’t survive. They won’t even have a chance. Is that the point?!

I’m not gonna put all my eggs in one basket by giving up on our plan to get the heck outta dodge. I just have to adjust it to take the new information into consideration when planning. Instead of building up, we will probably dig down. That’s what this government did!

My message to the world is to get ready for what’s coming. It will be so much worse than we think. Hold your people close and cherish your time with them.

The scientists models can’t even keep up with the rate that climate change is happening at! One scientist, Guy McPherson, is even predicting that there won’t be complex life on Earth anymore by 2030. I truly hope he is wrong…

The PAIN & ANGER of Our People

I just had to write today. I have been angry and upset over all things European lately. It’s a whole lot to take in when you are looking at the world with open eyes for the first time. It can be painful and it can certainly piss you off!..

Our people are enslaved while the Europeans continue to steal the wealth of our lands! All I see in the media is Europeans trying to convince our people that they are “Hispanic” and “Latino” in order to keep them ignorant of this fact. Talking about deporting people who had no borders before European invasion! People who actually belong here and aren’t just illegal occupiers.

I have been noticing that anytime I try to find a diverse show to watch for the sake of my child, there are none. It is either an almost all-white cast or an all-black cast. That shows separation of people by color and why would we ever want to show that?! That is the European agenda.

Our people are smart enough to know we are stronger standing with our black brothers and sisters. We have always been there for each other through all the horrors Europeans forced on us. We have shared and continue to share our pain and anger. We are the survivors of those horrors…

All it takes to understand the pain and anger of our people is to put yourself in our position. It takes being human. To know that they purposely destroyed most of the evidence that we were a much more civilized people than the Europeans at any given time, that crime in itself is unforgivable. It is irreversible!

People complained of apartheid in Africa, but where is the rage for apartheid in America that continues today??? Do we not matter? Are we unimportant to the world? Well then, don’t say you didn’t have it coming. When you give a people the choices of enslavement or death, you will always screw yourself over. The only option we see is liberation!

There are Europeans who want to help do the right thing, not help continue the Europeans evil reign. They see that this government has stolen all it has,which means they have no morals! They kill for fun. They teach their children to be just like them, which means the cycle will continue until we do something about it! Don’t expect the thieves to!

Taking back our lands means the freedom and liberation of our people and a safe haven for others who are enslaved around the world by Europeans! Our people didn’t have starving people and homelessness! That is the European way!

They know no other way, which makes it our responsibility to show them the right way. We have surpassed them with our ability to be human and we must become the leaders the world so desperately needs!

We lived on these lands for so long and had mastered living with nature in this environment. When the Europeans came along, they saw our ways as wrong so they destroyed all that they could. Now what do we see? A bunch of idiots living in known flood areas because they didn’t have enough sense to know that the people of these lands might have known a thing or two about the land! Smdh

The extent of these people’s foolishness knows no end! Their greed will end up destroying the world. It is insatiable. They want the resources of our lands but we could care less about the money! We just want them gone! Look at how much they have destroyed in just 500 years! They lack a connection with the earth and that is a major violation of natural law!..

Our mother earth is being killed by these animals! How much longer can we allow this??? How much longer before she destroys us for all the crimes committed against her?! It is foolishness to think you can beat her! It is foolishness to even want to!.. Our mother who breathes life into us every second of everyday.

What Would It Take to Get YOU to Just STOP?

I want us to be completely honest about something today. I want you to ask yourself, “How do I contribute to the injustices of the world?” Let’s start with the most obvious answer. My tax money. Any money this government gets from us is linked to many atrocities around the world! In other words, we are directly funding terrorism. European terrorism.

Now I want to ask you how you feel about that? Are you just fine with it? Do you believe there is no other way?! Lol! There is. We could all just STOP! We have only been told there is no other way, no better way. Well, if you believe that then I got some ocean front property in Arizona for you! Lol!

I don’t know about you but I know of a million ways that this could be a better place! The biggest issue is us wanting stuff from other places when these lands already give us all we need. Our people were here for ages without ever needing a thing from the outside world! It was the outside world that wanted to take all we had… Smh

It’s time for us to go back to basics. I want to know what you would need to just stop? To walk away from your current state of enslavement. Food and water are obvious. Healthcare could be provided for free by doctors in the neighborhood. If you think about it, it would be just like The Walking Dead.

Those people had to start over and at first it was hard, but then people came together to start communities. We can skip all the trouble if we start the systems we would need now. It shouldn’t be just jumping into it once the time comes. People are going to need food to eat because this government will try to enslave us again with food and water and their laws. We should have our own already ready.

Ignore the killing each other part of it because it should be all about inclusion. They were killing each other just because they wanted what those people had. Why would you need to kill for something that is freely given?

No one starving and everyone in homes. NO homelessness unless that is the persons preference. There will always be food though should they want it. Natural food forests where a person could survive just off the plants and trees. Aquaponics and greenhouses everywhere for year-round growing.

I’m talking about the world as it was meant to be before man started enslaving one another. I’m talking about the Garden of Eden. I’m talking about the majority of us having enough sense to do the right thing. To not fuck it up this time! No one hoarding. Everyone living sustainably.

Our bodies, our labor, and then our tax money gets used in the most fucked up ways. That’s just a fact. Why aren’t we using those things to walk away instead? Do you believe if you used those things to do for yourself and your family, instead of for a corporation, that life would be more fulfilling? I do.

This isn’t some fantasy. This is all possible. We have the technology to do it. Many have already done it! There are intentional communities all over the Americas. My only issue is that they need your money too, but it’s only because there are too few bodies to do all that needs to be done.

What can you do now til it’s time to stop? Use your body, your labor, and your funds to learn something that will be really useful when it all stops. This government has clearly gone rogue and is just doing anything it feels like. Mostly taking our rights to maintain their control. WE are the ones responsible for putting a stop to that! No one else is going to.

Planet of the APES!

I swear, we are living on the planet of the apes and America is their capitol! Smdh. European apes! The ones who aren’t full blooded homo sapiens. The ones who are mixed with cavemen and walk around in suits calling people of color animals, knowing damn well that the only apes around here are them!

How much longer are we gonna let a lesser species destroy our planet?! When will the humans take the planet back??? I’m so sick and tired of hearing what these white terrorists are doing! I’m so sick and tired of their motherfucking cheeto looking leader and his APE mouth!

All throughout history, what do we see??? We see these animals destroying humans and their lands! These people will always be our enemies and that is the problem. We are the enemy cause we are superior in every way. They just want us to think we aren’t but it has already been proven time and time again.

Our people, homo sapiens, took this planet over from the beasts! That includes these cavemen motherfuckers! Apes! How much longer do we let the apes kill humans for fun??? When, exactly, will we stand up for our own?! We eliminated these fuckers and the only way they held on was by mixing with homo sapiens, creating a lesser than species!

Now look what we have! European apes who thirst for our blood. & why? Because we have eliminated them before! When they tell their people to only be with whites, all they have done is make an even more animalistic beast! They are ensuring that they have more caveman in them than anything else.

We cannot allow this to continue. These apes have destroyed paradise all over the world and they must be stopped! Their reign of destruction must end! It is the only way to save this planet and ourselves, the homo sapiens.

They should never be allowed to rule over anybody, not even their own! When do you see the apes in the zoo also running the zoo??? That shit don’t happen & this should not be an exception! We have all seen and are seeing what happens when these animals have full reign! Fuck them and their cavemen offspring! They need to be eliminated!

All those detention centers they built for our people, the superior ones, should be used to house all of them. They should never be trusted! It is in their animal blood to hate us and want us gone. Our downfall has always been trusting these apes, thinking one isn’t like the rest. Unfortunately, that will not work this time around. We need to wake up to our natural enemies, the planet full of the apes who are currently in charge!

You Don’t Gotta Go Home But You Gotta Get The Hell Outta Here!

As I’ve said before, I’m always flipping and flopping on this issue. Most of the time, I try to hide it deep inside just so I can find peace about it all. I constantly try to make excuses for them not being human, but some days it is too hard not to get angry!..

I think it’s ok to feel angry about our history as long as we don’t live there. Feel it, but then try your hardest to let it go. Well, that ain’t working today for a number of reasons.

The first is that I made the mistake of watching Avatar today… When Standing Rock was going on, I always saw memes about how if you wanted to understand what was going on then to watch Avatar. Now I see why. I didn’t remember what that movie was about! Now I see how it relates.

We have to constantly defend our higher consciousness to these cavemen who will never understand! It is like trying to explain quantum physics to a damn animal! “Uh, why you want clean water again?..”


The next reason is because I watched a video by A Tribe Called Red. The video was Burn Your Village to the Ground. It was a very strong message and I understand it too well. Smh. Where our people ended up while they prospered by pillaging our lands, raping, torturing, & murdering our people… It is hard to not get angry sometimes.

Then I try to remind myself that they are only hurting themselves, trapping themselves here in this hell on Earth. I always wonder how many of them actually know this, but just enjoy prospering off their evil ways. Do they not want to break the cycle because they already know how this works? Do they take advantage of it?

We all know that the Catholic church has hidden so much shit and destroyed all kinds of information in an attempt to keep the people blind to their money-grubbing ways! Religion is just a way they tried to trap your spirit. Those of us they could not trap, they try to make us look like “sinners”. No. We just know better than that. If it has anything to do with money, it ain’t no good!

Your spirit should not be programmed to worship their false god. It shouldn’t talk about you giving money to the church in the bible! Spirituality is all about freedom. The freedom to love one another without all those rules that keep you judging others, hating others. Their religion just enslaved you to do what they want. It is used so often against people that it could never be good. If it ever was, they long ago destroyed that too!.. Irreversibly.

What we are left with is the decision between right and wrong. Is a book needed for you to know right from wrong? Even with a book telling them right from wrong, look at what it produced. People who choose wrong time and time again. Almost always! How is that? It’s really sad and an eye opener about religion. An eye opener for anyone willing to open their eyes! Smh

The other reason for my rant is that I have to hear about all the racist shit these fucking Europeans are doing constantly! Everyday it is something new! From the pieces of shit in government to the redneck hillbillies in the streets.

I’ve got an easy solution for them fucking Europeans who can’t stand the fact that we got our lands back! TYA, motherfuckers! Did you think you could do all the evil you do without consequence?! Lol! Now it is coming back around full circle, as it should!

We better get to work on building them ships! The Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria! Let’s start deporting these motherfuckers! Round em up and get rid of their asses! You don’t gotta go home but you gotta get the hell outta here!

You people have no morals, no values. You accept enslavement because it is all your people have ever known. Just think about all they have done to their own people! They truly are the savages. Those fucking Spanish Europeans have always been the worst of em. The most sadistic.

Our brown brothers and sisters who consider themselves “Mexican, Guatemalan, Salvadoran, etc.” should never try to hold on to ancestors that aren’t ours! We are indigenous. Our people come from here, NOT Spain! We are not Hispanic! That is a way to continue the genocide of our people. Don’t allow them to erase your true history.

That is just another way for them to take our lands. Your people fought and died so you could live. We cannot do them justice by assimilating! Their fight should not ever be forgotten!

European Invaders

I cannot sympathize with these European invaders because in my eyes, they are the illegal occupiers. They are the ones forcing their laws on our people, against our people! We cannot keep silent anymore! Now is the time for our people to rise!

The indigenous people of these lands have numbers that far surpass the Europeans! While they sit and worry about the “Mexicans” taking over, the indigenous people need to stand together and fight back! As Montana on Blood In, Blood Out said, “When we stand together, they don’t run shit!” “Us killing each other is what they want!” We have to outsmart these fucking cavemen!

We, the full homo sapiens, have been and always will be the superior ones! Those Neanderthals certainly aren’t! We cannot keep letting the animals run shit and then wonder why killing each other is still going on around the world! Anything these Europeans touch turns to shit! We have to stop them before they destroy all of our beautiful lands and people!

All of their actions show that these people are in fact devil worshippers. What kind of God would produce such destructive monsters?! There is no love in anything they do! In fact, they bitch and moan about the little they are forced to do for their fellow man. What is sad is that it had to be forced upon them because otherwise they were just fine with families starving in the streets! Smdh

The one thing our people noticed about these Europeans was that there was no such thing as equality within their groups. They had people who didn’t eat while there were others stuffing themselves. They always needed slaves and workers to do their hard work for them. They have always been weak! Minorities built the Americas! If they belong to anyone, it would be us! Not fucking Europeans! Whites are the laziest people in the whole world!

These Europeans want to act like anything that is America is that way because of them. No, I hate to break it to you, but we took anything you tried to force on us and still made it our own! So much so that they assimilated to our ways! Lol! That’s why it is hilarious to hear these fucking hillbillies talking about being “American”! Bitch, please. Go back to Europe if you don’t like our lands returning back to their rightful color!

We aren’t like them. We wouldn’t leave our lands and betray our people just because the opportunity presented itself! What kind of true patriot could you be when your people betrayed their own country?! These motherfuckers have been hiding out here! You think Europe wants them back?! Lmao!! Think again!

I want to go even deeper than that though and ask, “Who the fuck do you think you are deciding that you have more of a right to anything on this Earth more than the next person born here??? Anything of this planet should belong to every single one of us equally! Anything they make was used out of material that belongs to each and every one of us! Yet they want to hoard our materials, make something out of it, mass produce it, and then sell it back to us! Now that’s some bullshit! All the tools used are ours too!

Our people knew that pieces of the Earth belonging to someone was just crazy. We know that no one can own the Earth. We are born here, that is all. There is enough of everything to go around yet they made us believe it belongs to only certain people. Blind with greed. It will be their downfall though. It always is.

What is even worse is that they have made it normal for no one to question this! As if what is happening right in front of us is all completely normal! For who?! Oh, yeah. For cavemen. That’s right. Smdh.

And that is how easy it is to flip the script on these white supremacists! So next time they want to tell somebody to go back to where they came from, they might think twice and keep their fucking illegal occupying ass mouth shut! Our indigenous people belong here, not you! So you go back to where you came from! If we went back to where we came from, it would be taking back all our lands you pieces of shit have stolen! All the houses and buildings and roads our people have built here! Not your people! Dumb, uneducated hillbillies. Smdh. Read a fucking book sometime!

Leaders of Tomorrow

In my last post I talked about foster care and us doing our part if we are able to. Today I wanna talk about the importance of the way we are raising our children & future leaders.

We know that the government used residential schools to try to strip us of our culture. We know that physical, sexual, & emotional violence were common. While they may have been common for Europeans, that shit ain’t common amongst our people! As always, we are left to pick up the pieces from the destruction the Europeans caused and continue to cause even today.

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever thought about how things would be done if you were in charge? All the different safeguards you would have put into place to keep the children safe? I do. While their methods were usually sadistic, the general idea of what they were trying to do shouldn’t just be ignored.

What I’m talking about still has to do with fostering, but also encouragement for those who think big like I do. Lol! They wanted to start with our children to rip away our culture. I’m saying let’s start with the children to immerse them in our culture & history, but more importantly, their own spirituality.

I look at our people today and what I see are 2 things. The first is that there are many ways for our youth to take the wrong path in this life simply because of the circumstances they were born into. The second thing I also see is many of the youth eager to change the way things are right now for our future generations. They can see and might even be living in some of those not so good circumstances.

I visited a women & children’s home once that was very interesting to see. It was a huge place in the mountains with lots of acres. They had, depending on the size of the family, different apartments for the women who had kids. Across a lake was 2 big houses that housed foster kids. One was boys and the other girls. There was a store on the land that had groceries, cleaning supplies, clothes, appliances, furniture, etc..

Furniture, clothes, & appliances were donated so they would let the women have what they needed. The groceries were able to be bought with food stamps but they also took them into town to go to Wal-Mart every week in case they needed other things. There was a van that would take them for doctor appointments as well.

The ladies were able to work there and outside of the home if they chose as long as they had childcare. I think there was a program for the mother’s who worked outside of the home so that they could help them move out of there after so long. It was a really cool setup & helped those women a lot. Many had nowhere to go with their kids.

The reason I’m bringing this up should be obvious by now. Lol! With all the domestic violence our women see, I think a place like that could help save some of our kids from even having to enter foster care. I like the idea of having 2 separate homes for foster boys & girls as well. You usually hire a married couple who manage the households together, but only have separate sleeping arrangements.

If we could have a school included in that, it would be the perfect setup. There could be classes on aquaponics, hunting, building, beading, weaving, raising bees for honey, farming, cosmetology, traditional dance, language classes, etc.. Anything & everything indigenous that you could want & then some!.. (I told you, I’m a dreamer. Lol!)

Besides reading, writing, math, & our history the only other required class would be meditation. Did you know that they did a study within a violent prison where they had taught the inmates meditation techniques? The outcome was that violence within that prison decreased dramatically. We should never ignore something like that and more research into it could have you hooked…

A book that I read recently called Autobiography of a Yogi changed my life. I am not a religious person at all & had considered myself agnostic. Then I read that book. All things I believed about spirituality were confirmed & explained scientifically! It was amazing! I actually cried when I realized what the ones who tried to keep this from us had done. It was beyond pulling the wool over our eyes. They were essentially trapping our souls in an endless cycle of death & rebirth! I highly recommend you read it yourself.

That is why I want spirituality to be the most important aspect of it. When we are conscious of who and what we truly are, we can start letting these attachments go that have damaged us in this life & past ones. Only you know who you truly are which is why meditation is so important. That is you looking within, scraping off all the grime of life that has built up around your soul, & finally finding out who you were meant to be before any damage had been done.

If we could help these kids heal and send them out into the world ready to take it on, it could potentially be a domino effect. If enough of these places were open to help our women and children, we could change the future for our people. We have had it bad for the last 500 years, but our roots go much deeper than that! That isn’t who we were. It’s never too late to fix what has been broken & get back on the right path. I see so much good already!..

Stay tuned to my next post where I dive deeper into spirituality and why I believe what I do.



Foster Care & Doing Our Part

When I first started researching about our people, I had so many mixed emotions!.. Anger, sadness, disappointment, resentment, but the most important one of all, hope!

After learning about all the ways our people went wrong I still have hope that we can fix what has been broken. I have hope that we can turn to each other in our times of need and find one another to lean on. That is why I want to discuss foster care.

If you aren’t like I was, completely oblivious to the struggles of our people, then you know our children being put into foster care is a major issue. You know that the government is making calculated moves against us to ensure our culture is lost forever. They know exactly where to start and always have. Our children.

We need to be using that same mentality and raising our future leaders! We cannot let them win, but it takes our people stepping up to the plate to snatch our future back up before they destroy it. We can do that in the form of foster parenting.

You do not need to be rich to be a foster parent. You can even be on government assistance and as long as you have the room, you have a shot. They provide assistance like food stamps and Medicaid for the children. They also pay the foster parent/s a minimum of around $23 a day per child.

You can be a single parent and still be a foster parent. Even a criminal record will not disqualify you as long as the charges are non-violent. I did not know this and thought we could never foster because my husband has a felony.

It is almost 20 years old & is a felony for Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle. He had barely turned 17 a couple weeks before it happened so he was just a kid. Unfortunately, we lived in a very racist part of town & we were poor. He got a felony for giving his friend a key he found to a car & his friend stole it. His friend was only 16 so they said he was the “adult” in the situation. That he was to blame. He got a public defender that walked in & told him, “You’re guilty so do you want 10 years probation or 5 in jail?”

Almost identical situation happened to a fellow inmate in the same jail except he actually stole the car. Same judge. They gave him a misdemeanor. The only difference? He was white. He had a record & my husband had none. You be the judge.

My husband has been discriminated against in all parts of his life because of that one mistake he made as a kid. I know exactly how this government works. They were out to destroy another minority before his life ever began. Smh

That’s why I was really surprised to find out we could still be foster parents should we pass everything else! Now my plan is to work on making the space. I have a grown child who is about ready to leave home so that will free up a bedroom. Til then, I am signing up to be a child advocate so that I can learn all I can about how this system works!

I want to know so that I can help others foster. I’d like to be able to answer any questions someone might have in order to encourage others to help out as well. It is so important! This is us helping ourselves! This is those children in foster care finding out just how important they are. That they are not alone & never will be because of who they were born to be!

Stay tuned to my next post where I talk about raising our future leaders today!tmp_26632-fs893541382401080

Pre-1492 & Today

Recently I read the book 1492 by Charles Mann. I highly recommend it to all indigenous people’s of the America’s. What I really liked was that he was upfront about his bias while still telling all sides/arguments.

The most interesting thing I read in it was about our people’s 25,000 mile trade route from Canada all the way down to South America. The reason I find this the most interesting part is because I believe we can create this again!.. Hear me out.

Right now, our people are in desperate need of better housing on the reservations. In America, what is the billion dollar industry just waiting to be cracked open??? Hemp. What can you make out of hemp? Hemp-crete! To build homes! To supply jobs!

I am talking non-profit here. All monies made going right back into the communities that need it the most. Using it to setup aquaponics systems on every reservation that needs it, which should be all of them. That equals more jobs. This is about self-sustainability. With the technology we have now, all we need to do is get creative! Clean water sources & running water, sewer lines put in.

No one is gonna do this for us nor should they! This should be something that we do all on our own! Hemp-crete is big business and so damn easy to make! I know there was a reservation recently who said they will be growing hemp. It’s a good starting point but others need to join in too.

What I’m picturing is our people not only trading hemp-crete & food but also other goods and services! Scholarships for kids who want to go to school for things needed on the reservations. Plumbers, electricians, hair stylists, etc.. I’m a dreamer but that’s where it starts, right?! Lol! Even many of our own colleges.

If you do anything in this life for yourself, ur not truly living. Life is about the accumulation of selfless acts. I want to dedicate my life to helping our people have a brighter future.

One of those ways is through foster care. We should all be doing our part when it comes to the future of our people & us succeeding. Those kids are the future so we can’t allow them to be fucked up! Stay tuned to my next post when I get into foster care and how easy it can be to be a foster parent.


Blindly Assimilated

How could we be so blind?! How could we not see what was happening?! I confess that I had no idea our people were suffering like they are… There I was, just going along in life, none the wiser. How could I be? No one speaks about it and the only other Ndn’s I know are Comanche. They have their own lands & were never forced onto a reservation, same as my tribe.

I grew up in the city, in a whole other state than where my tribe is from. I was born & raised in the city. We grew up as what would be considered “American kids”, never being reminded who we are or what our people have gone through.

When Standing Rock happened, it was a wake up call for me. For many of us! Until then, I didn’t really give our background much thought. We always lived in minority areas in the city & most of the kids were brown just like us. The only difference being that the majority spoke Spanish, which was not like us. Lol! (One European language is more than enough. I don’t need to know 2!)

Just recently I was telling my cousin that I had always thought my mom was “Mexican” when I was little. She cooked us tortillas & beans & stuff like that. Then I got into an argument with the man who was my step-dad at the time over calling my sister a white girl. She’s half white & doesn’t know who her dad is & the rest of us all have the same dad. I’ll confess. We were pretty mean about that growing up. We were dumb kids. Smh

So anyway, the argument with my step-dad went like this. Please keep in mind I was only like 7 or 8 when this took place…

Him: Why are you always picking on your sister?

Me: Cause she is always starting stuff! (& she was! I wasn’t lying abt that! My sister liked to hit us & then if we hit her back she would go tell on us & get us in trouble ALL THE TIME! She was the youngest.)

Her: You keep calling me white girl & Casper!

Me: Cause you are! Daddy only feels sorry for you cause he’s white too! (He looked like a white man to me…)

Him: I ain’t white!

Me: Yes, you are!

Him: No, I ain’t! I’m Ndn just like your mama!

Me: My mom is not NDN! She’s “Mexican”. (I put “Mexican” in quotations because I know better now. I know there is no such thing unless you mean it like saying someone is a New Yorker. Otherwise you are probably talking about an Ndn.)

Him: She is not “Mexican”! She’s Ndn! Where do you think we come from?

Me: (total confusion)

& that’s the story on how I found out we were Ndn’s. Lol! Smh. My mom never talked about our culture but then again, our tribe is different. I wanna say that she never did but she took us back there every year to visit our family. They are and always have been fishermen & trappers. We would go every year & stuff ourselves full of seafood! Lol! That was the food of our people. We didn’t have pow-wows so that kinda thing didn’t go on. We are just… different! Lol!

That doesn’t make our struggles any less real or make us less Ndn because of it. I have cousins who are Comanche that married into the family. They have always tried to treat us as if we aren’t really Ndn. They do the whole pow-wows thing so they think that makes them more Ndn I guess… Whatever. If they wanna go there, we are browner! We win! Lmao!!! (I just wanna sound as dumb as them. Lol!)

Well after Standing Rock happened, I became interested in finding out more about reservations. You see, I always had this idea that they were the best place in the world to be. In my head, it was where our people were free. Needless to say, reality hit me like a ton of bricks!..

I confess that I had no idea our people are going through all that they are. No clean drinking water, no sewer systems, no grocery stores ANYWHERE near them, NO JOBS! ( Not all but the majority) Smdh. No way to make money & nowhere to spend it even if they could. No real way of succeeding!..

Children are being taken away at alarming rates & put into foster care. Our people are supposedly only 2% of the U.S. population yet we have the highest rates of our children in foster care & our people being murdered by police. Anyone with half a brain can see what they are doing! It takes people opening their eyes though & these days, that is rare. Otherwise the genocide will continue.

I honestly feel that if I hadn’t done the research I did, read the books I read, watched the documentaries that I have seen, I never would have connected all the dots. When you research the water, you find out that they have placed many reservations where the water is not good. They purposely contaminate the soil & water around our people. Then you find out that all these “National Parks” that they were supposedly conserving is land stolen away from our people in the name of “conservation”. & now what are they doing? Making it legal to now use those lands for the resources. How convenient. Pieces of shit!

Stay tuned for my next post where I discuss our people & who they were pre-1492. The GREATNESS we can be again.